WE ARE HIRING … Tecnimont Private Limited (TCMPL), an integral part of Moire Tecnimont group, is amongst the few engineering and construction companies in India that has capability and experience to supply plants on Lumpsum Turnkey basis in addition to providing EPC services to group companies for projects worldwide. TCMPL group maintains a highly qualified and experienced staff, specialized across multidiscipline engineering, procurement, project & construction management. Over the years TCMPL has received many prestigious awards for expert performance, best engineering practices
❖ Piping Layout Engineers (Ref No. 1001) C
❖ Piping 3D Administrators (Ref No. 1001) C
❖ Piping Stress Engineers (Ref No. 1001) C.
❖Civil & Structural Engineers (Ref No. 1003) C
❖ Civil Underground Engineers (Ref No. 1003) C
❖ Civil Revit designer (Ref No. 1003) C
❖ Electrical Engineers (Ref No. 1008) C
❖ Instrumentation Engineers(Ref No. 1006) C
❖ Process Engineers (Ref No. 1014) + DHSE (Loss prevention and process safety) Engineers (Ref No. 1013) +
❖ Machinery (Rotating) Engineers (Ref No. 1011) +
❖ Static Equipment Engineers (Ref No. 1012)
❖ Utilities Engineer (Ref No.1015)
❖ Project Engineers (Ref No. 1010)
❖ Planning Engineers (Ref No. 1017)
❖[email protected] ( Piping/ Instrumentation/3D Admin)
❖ [email protected] (Ovil/DHSE) B.BhavaniPtecnimont.in(Process/Electrical)
❖ [email protected] (Rotating/Static)
❖ [email protected] (Project/Utilities/Planning)