December 12, 2024

Texas Energy Extern Training Goes Virtual

The Independent Petroleum Association of America (IPAA) and Petroleum Equipment and Services. (PESA) aren’t letting unprecedented market conditions and pandemic. Related physical office restrictions prevent them from offering. Their annual professional development and job shadowing program for Texas high school and college students.

Instead, the IPAA/PESA Energy Education Center Extern Program is employing. A virtual format to offer future STEM and business students from Greater Houston-area institutions. The prospect to require their first steps toward energy industry careers. Following a competitive selection process, quite 40 Houston-area high school juniors. And seniors and college freshmen on Tuesday began their virtual externships. With various Houston and Dallas/Fort Worth exploration, production and repair companies.

The IPAA/PESA Extern Program

“The IPAA/PESA Extern Program, our capstone program. Provides invaluable professional development training and insight. Into the energy industry and that we are proud to welcome this year’s outstanding extern cohort,” IPAA/PESA Energy Education Center Senior vice chairman Anne Ford commented during a written statement emailed to Rigzone.

According to IPAA, the summer program content starts with four days of virtual training. Focused on improving students’ “soft skills” – communication, critical thinking. Conflict resolution, and time management – before they spend time. With their as well as assigned company. Program sponsors and partners include Core Lab, Carnegie , Energy Training Resources. Halliburton, Occidental Petroleum, Oceaneering, Shell and Weir Oil and Gas.

One of the extern candidates is Hy Thatch, a student as well as at Houston’s Young Women’s College Preparatory Academy who is hooked in to mathematics and philosophy.

“With the amazing opportunity to participate within the IPAA/PES extern program, i’m looking forward to putting together new connections, creating long-lasting friendships and most significantly learning about the ethics, the motivation and therefore the dream for engineers within the oil and gas industry,” she commented.

Another extern candidate is aspiring petroleum engineer Jonathan Deflores, a junior at Houston’s Milby highschool .

“I hope to find out the precious skills which will help benefit me in whatever future path lies ahead,” he stated.